
Showing posts from August, 2016






Alexander Rodchenko was a Russian artist, sculptor, and photographer. He lived from 1891-1956. He studied at the Kazan school of art and at the  Stroganov Institute. He got married to an artist named  Varvara Stepanova.  His first published photomontage illustrated Mayakovsky's poem, "About This," in 1923. He returned to painting in the late 1930s, stopped photographing in 1942, and produced abstract expressionist works in the 1940s. He continued to have photography exhibitions for the government during the 40. In 1956 Rodchenko died in Moscow. 


1. F 2.G 3.A 4. I 5. K 6. D 7. E 8. J 9. C 10. H 11. L 12. B

DevianArt Notes

 In this picture it creates a mirror affect which is one of the reasons why i chose this  picture. Not only is it the mirror affect but as well as the location, the mountains and the clearness of the water. What had also captured my attention was the person to the far left. The thing that I liked about this picture is the way the water droplet is on the flower because it makes the middle of the flower look glossier. I also like the color of the petals and the blurred out background makes the droplet stand out more. The thing that I liked about this picture is how the girl's eyes and hair pop out with because of the grass. I also think that it was taken in a cool angle. The contrast from the green from the grass and eyes to her hair makes the picture interesting.

YouTube Notes

There are three things needed in order to capture the right amount of exposure. The exposure is determined by three things; aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The aperture is the size of the opening of the lens. The bigger the aperture the more light will come in and the smaller the aperture size the less light will come in. The larger the number is the smaller the aperture size is, and vice versa the smaller the number is the bigger the aperture size is. The depth of field will determine how much of the image is in focus. The shutter speed will determine the length of the exposure The longer the shutter speed the more light comes in and the shorter the shutter speed the less light comes in. The shutter speed determines the blur in the image. The longer the exposure the more blur there will be. The ISO is the sensitivity of the sensor to light. If the ISO is low it means that it is less sensitive so it would need more light to take an image. If the ISO is high it means that it is more s

